Nemėgstu burnoti
ant „lietuviškos“ žiemos, kiekviena jos diena yra maža gamtos išdaiga. Kaip
pamenu užvakar už lango snigo, vakar lijo, šiandien gaivus saulėtas oras. Kas
bus ryt – staigmena!
Šias šlepetes skiriu žiemiškoms gamtos išdaigoms.
Šios šlepetės
pagamintos iš merino vilnos, papuošimams naudojau šilko siūlus ir dilgėlių
gijas, o padas suteptas lateksu.
Šlepetės yra mano
rankų darbo ir tikiuosi, kad brangiai Birutei teikia daug džiaugsmo.
I don‘t like to
abuse on winters in Lithuania but every day in winter is a little trick of
the nature. As I recall two days before was snowing, yesturday was raining
and today the sun is shining. Tomorrows weather is just as little surprise.
These slippers I dedicate to winterly tricks of the nature.
These slippers
are made of Merino wool. Decorations
were made from silk and nettle threads. Pads are covered with silicone.
These slippers
are my handmade and I am hoping that they
are giving a lot of joy to my dear Birutė .
My biggest wish is to make as many people as possible happy on this earth. Due to this particular reason I'm opening to the public the doors of my magic boutique, where you will find handmade clothes and other stuff coming to you straight from my arms with love. I sure hope that my creations which you're going to choose for yourself will bring you lot's of happiness and will become a small part of your everyday life.
2013 m. gruodžio 29 d., sekmadienis
Puikios nuotaikos "užtaisas" - ryškios, kontrastingos, šiltos šlepetės "Birutė"/ Slippers "Birute"
to order,
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